Frequently Asked Questions


  • We are a cash-based practice and believe in individualized care plans. We pride ourselves on creating specific care plans based on your needs and goals, not what is dictated by an insurance company.

  • We accept Health Savings Accounts (HSAs), Flexible Spending Accounts (FASs), credit cards, debit cards, cash or check.

  • Absolutely! Dr. Abby is certified in the Webster Technique which focuses on supporting women throughout their pregnancies and delivery.

  • Yes! The pressure used in pediatric care is no more than what you would use to test the ripeness of an avocado. The pediatric adjustment is very gentle and specific, and provides incredible results.

  • Dr. Abby is certified in protocols, assessment, and treatment of conditions related to tethered oral tissues (ankyloglossia), including tongue/lip/buccal ties.

  • At Delta Chiropractic, we want you to feel at home. During your initial visit, Dr. Abby will take a detailed health history, discuss your goals, and then do a thorough examination. After your initial visit, we will go over our findings, provide an individualized treatment plan, and then start your journey to feeling more empowered, supported, and living your best optimal life!

Email or call us today to schedule your visit!